Woman sitting on floor wrapped in a blanket drinking coffee. Woman wrapped in Sunday Citizen Casablanca Throw in Sage.

A Guide To Finding Quality Bed Blankets For A Better Sleep

A good night’s rest can impact your physical and mental health directly. If you fall short on it, it can affect your overall energy levels, mood and general temperament, productivity, and even your weight. We, at Sunday Citizen, understand the need for quality sleep and are here to help alleviate your sleep-related difficulties.

Finding the right bedding can go a long way when it comes to ensuring restful sleep. Be it the right firmness of your mattress or the snug fit of a comfortable blanket. Different elements come into the picture and can hone your experience and cater to your specific needs!

What Are Blankets?

Technically, blankets are single-layered, thick fabrics woven from wool or fleece. They are fabrics of warmth that will keep you comfortable in most weather conditions. Since the concept of comfort is highly subjective, picking the right one can be rather challenging. Well, you can’t really go out and try them all now, can you? 

With this in mind, we’ve compiled a comprehensive guide on blankets to help you find the ideal match. This guide will allow you to make a good choice based on your personal preferences and requirements. Whether you enjoy the feel of Cashmere or fleece, from luxurious and indulgent bedding to affordable ones, we’ve got you covered! Take a step back and relax as we navigate you through the vast land of blankets to keep you warm and cozy.

What Defines A Quality Blanket?

To ensure that you receive the best comfort and relaxation all night long, you need a fluffy and warm blanket to be your sleeping companion. But, what makes a blanket worthy of investment? How will you know that you’ve opted for the right one?

Well, our working theory is that you’ve found your match when you refuse to get out of bed on a Monday morning! After all, you deserve a sound sleep after a hectic week of long work hours and even longer calls! And to help you with your downtime, a good quality blanket is a must! 

Blankets are necessary to keep yourself toasty and snug in bed all year round. Some of the defining qualities of blankets are their season-appropriateness, fabric, weave, body feel, and aesthetics. If it falls short in any one of these elements, it may not be the one for you. Finding a blanket and even other pieces of bedding that check all the boxes will play a crucial role in making your sleep blissful and calm.

How Can You Sleep Better?

Having quality downtime and sleeping well can leave you relaxed and rejuvenated for a day. A restful night will allow you to take on the world, if necessary. But, sometimes, it may seem impossible for you to get some rest. Be it tossing and turning in bed or just being wide awake at 3 am, falling asleep might seem very far off.

What can we do in such cases? How can we program ourselves to achieve better sleep? Well, here are a few tips that you can follow. They will help you build a routine for yourself so that you enjoy a night of better sleep! In addition, they will also boost your health and improve your general state of well-being!

1. Design A Sleep Schedule and Stick To It

Consistency and routine are the keys when it comes to quality sleep. Understanding and getting in sync with your body’s natural sleep-wake cycle will take you a long way when it comes to sleeping better. If you monitor and maintain your cycle to keep it regular, you’ll find yourself refreshed and highly energized.

Your body needs at least 7 hours of sleep at night to feel rejuvenated, and ideally, not more than 8 hours. Schedule your daily downtime for no more than 8 hours to avoid oversleeping and undersleeping. Try to go to bed at the same time every day. By limiting the difference in your daily sleep schedule, you can reinforce a healthy pattern and improve the quality of your sleep. 

You can also turn to slow-paced activities or even short workouts to help you sleep better. If you find yourself unable to fall asleep at night for more than 20 minutes, get out of bed! Try to indulge in cathartic activities like reading or listening to music. Another thing you can do is a quick cardio session to get yourself physically tired. When you’ve stimulated your mind and body enough to the point of exhaustion, you’ll see that falling asleep is much easier.

2. Create A Serene Environment

Having a soothing and peaceful bedtime routine can help you wind down better for the day. It allows you to release the day’s stresses. It can make a massive difference to your quality of sleep! By creating a peaceful and tranquil ambiance in your room, you can signal your brain and body that it’s time to shut down for the day.

Reducing exposure to light and making your room quiet can promote sleep. Having a nighttime ritual such as switching off your phone or showering before bed can help tenfold. Along with this, having comfortable and snug bedding such as a Snug Bed Blanket or plush pillows, and silky sheets can improve your relaxation experience!

3. Watch What You Consume

As obvious as it may sound, along with your nighttime routine, your daytime activities, too, play a focal role in determining how well you sleep. For instance, your eating patterns throughout the day can affect your sleep. Having a nutrient-rich diet can improve your overall health and sleep. To boost your sleep and make it more restful, try avoiding caffeine and nicotine before you sleep. Additionally, limit red meats, cut down on sugary foods, and reduce heavy meals before you hit the bed. Doing this can help you fall asleep faster and even stay asleep for longer

4. Work On Stress Management

Residual stress and worry from your day can hamper your sleep at night. To avoid them from affecting your downtime routine, try clearing your head before you lay down. By taking corrective measures to manage your stress level, you can unwind for the night quite easily. To soothe your brain from overstimulation, try to indulge yourself in some calming activities. You can run a warm bath at night to relax or even wrap yourself snugly by the fire and listen to an audiobook. Try incorporating anything that helps you take the edge off things. While in bed, practice mindfulness and gratitude. Doing this will end your day on a positive note and make way for improved sleep!

How Can The Right Blanket Help You Sleep Better?

Finding the perfect blanket allows for improved quality of sleep and longer sleeping hours. You’ll see that the right blanket helps reduce anxiety and can even help with insomnia. Opting for weighted blankets in particular or other blankets with some heft is ideal for those who struggle to sleep. The snug fit of blankets and added pressure can soothe your nerves and allow you to wind down for the night.

If you incorporate these elements into your sleeping routine, you’ll be able to sleep better and much longer. Over the long run, your mood and energy levels will be elevated and stable, allowing for improved quality of life. Keeping this in mind, you will now realize the importance of blankets for good sleep. Hence, it becomes crucial to invest some time and energy into finding the right one! And when you do, it’s like a dream come true. 

What Are Some Of The Choices Of Blankets?

Scouring through the market, looking for a blanket that works for you all year round can be rather challenging. Not to mention given the plethora of blankets available, you might find yourself stumped; not knowing where to begin and not knowing which one to pick. To simplify this task, we’ve compiled a list of the different types of blankets that you can choose for regular use.

1. Comforters

Comforters are arguably the most popular types of blankets found in the market. They consist of two large sheets of fabric sewn together and stuffed with a warm filling. Since they are multi-layered, they are very fluffy and can be used to give a cloud-like feel to your bed. They are great options for the colder seasons since they retain lots of heat without being bulky or heavy. In addition to their plush feel, the Snug Basketweave Comforter adds aesthetic value to a space. It can elevate your room to make it cozy and more inviting.

2. Duvets

Duvets are structured as comforters but are functionally slightly different. A duvet comes with a removable duvet cover for decorative purposes. While a duvet itself looks like a white comforter, often, it also has ties on its ends to secure the cover better. While providing high comfort and a luxe feel, duvets can uplift a space entirely. Something like the Premium Bamboo Duvet Cover, they can brighten up a room or make it seem crisp and soothing.

3. Quilts

Quilts are man’s age-old secret to keeping warm for centuries. They are made using three pieces of fabric, distinctive stitching, and unique designs. The topmost material consists of many fabrics woven together to create beautiful and vibrant patterns. Next comes a thin layer of cotton or wool for filling, followed by a back piece made using single woven fabric. Although quilts too are multilayer blankets, they are typically lightweight. It makes them adept for warmer climates as well. Since they’re sleek and much thinner, they are ideal for layering and keeping you snug during colder seasons.

4. Throw Blankets

Like quilts, throws blankets are also multipurpose blankets available in a medley of designs and fabrics. Throws, however, are designed to be more decorative than functional. These are smaller than average blankets making them perfect for layering or draping over couches or beds. Braided Pom Pom Throws can be added to spruce up a space and make it seem cozy or bold. Though they focus primarily on improving style and aesthetics, throws are great if you want to get a quick snuggle by the fire or on the couch.

5. Weighted Blankets

One of the best blankets you can invest in is weighted blankets. If you want to feel safe and snug at night, these are your best bet! These blankets simulate a feeling akin to being hugged or snuggled. It then allows for better quality sleep and improved temperament. The pressure they add and their plush feel plays a vital role in alleviating your stress and helping in reducing anxiety. Often recommended by therapists as a part of pressure therapy, the Snug Crystal Weighted Blanket will be your best friend when it comes to improving your overall health and sleep!

What Are The Different Types Of Fabrics Used In Blankets?

The type of blanket you opt for and its material are two aspects that will determine the overall feel and utility you’ll derive from your blankets. Here are some of the most common fabrics used in blankets. 

1. Cotton: Cotton blankets are the most commonly found and affordable blankets available. They are hypoallergenic and highly breathable. They can help you regulate temperature all year round. They are the most sustainable and cost-effective option.

2. Wool: If you live in colder climates, wool blankets will be your lifesavers. The soft fabric keeps you warm and snug during colder months. Additionally, its moisture-wicking properties keep the blankets dry and safe even when not in use.

3. Polyester: Synthetically derived, blankets made from this material are durable and stronger than most others. They are affordable options that are easy to maintain and highly sustainable in the long run.

4. Fleece: Fleece is a blend of polyester and cotton, making the blankets very light and warm. These blankets are great alternatives to locally sourced wool blankets due to their hypoallergenic properties.

 5. Microfiber: Microfiber blankets are made using polyester and nylon. They are highly durable and soft on the skin. Being hypoallergenic and non-irritating to the skin, these are some of the gentlest and safest options for babies.

Blankets Are The Way To Quality Sleep!

With a wide range of products available, you might be wondering which blanket to opt for. Well, the answer’s simple. Pick a blanket that feels right! Maybe even our Snug Quilted Comforter? With your personal preferences and habits as the driving forces, opt for the bedding that resonates with you the most. Physically, emotionally and aesthetically.

When you find the one that ticks the boxes, you’ll know that you’ve found your perfect sleeping companion! Believe in yourself and your bedding. Let your blankets guide you into a night of restful and beautiful sleep! Happy sleeping!

Woman laying down asleep on a bed. Woman laying on bed. Bed with Sunday Citizen Snug Waffle Comforter in Clear White and Casablanca throw in Sage.